How many of your decisions do you make while feeling stressed? Do you know what happens to your body when you are stressed? Let me give you a quick summary of some of the physical results of stress. Your adrenal glands produce cortisol causing your body to manage its resources differently. You go into fight or flight mode acting on instinct and survival, which is a trait that has evolved in all animal species to help quickly and effectively navigate danger. For this reason, the cognitive function of the brain is also reduced. Support of the immune system and the bodies ability to heal is reduced. Perceptions are more pessimistic and possibly paranoid. This is an important survival mechanism when living in nature and makes sense when faced with brief periods of stress due to some immediate threat.
The problem is that many people frequently find themselves under stress causing regular production of cortisol along with many of the negative effects associated with long periods in a stressful state. Besides the negative health effects of stress on the body, stress also affects our mental ability. People under high levels of stress can experience brain fog and disorientation. This means that even under low levels of stress you are not in the best position to make good decisions for your future. Decisions made with increased stress levels will lead to choices that react to the present environment and your immediate fears. Many people under stress will make decisions that get them from one problem into another in an effort to overcome an immediate problem without considering the cost or consequences for the future.
If you want to make better decisions and improve your future, finding ways to deal with stress is extremely important. If you cannot avoid stress then learning some simple breathing techniques is a very effective way to reduce stress levels. Daily exercise and meditation are great ways to manage your stress levels. I also recommend that people ask themselves the following question regularly: “Am I making this choice out of fear?” Fear-based choices will always have some negative consequences but we aren’t always aware of them because the results of our decisions are often not clear to us until some time after we have made them.
Understanding when you are under stress takes some awareness and self-reflection. Listen to your body it will give you signals that will help you recognise the effect stress is having on you. If you want to live a happy and healthy life and make choices for a successful future, take the time to recognise the effect stress is having on you.